Poznań University
of Economics and Business Press
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Wersja polska

Technical guidelines

We accept scripts in a Word file (other programs require consultation with the Press) and its print out. The paper should be printed on one side, on numbered sheets of A4 size paper.

Margins: left – 2 cm, right – 3.5 cm, top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm
Font: Times New Roman

Text size – 12 points, line spacing – 1.5 lines

Tables, figures, charts should be inserted in an editable, open version (not as an image), or source files should be attached in formats of the programs in which they have been created. Each illustration should be supplied in a separate file; file names should correspond to the names (numbers) of illustrations in the text. Resolution of illustrations: at least 300 dpi minimum.

The basic cost unit of the edition is the editorial sheet (40,000 characters with spaces or 3,000 cm2 of images).

The book structure shall be as follows:

English abstracts should be substitute for the entire article, i.e., present its content in a concise form: background, objectives, methodology, results, conclusions. They should include key words.

Title page: name of the author(s) or scientific editor and title of the work.

Table of contents before the main text. It may include chapter titles up to the third level, e.g., chapters: 1, 2, 3, subchapters: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3.

Where a dedication precedes the main text, the table of contents should be placed at the end of the book.


Bibliographic footnotes and appendix bibliography – in APA style – accordance with the Regulation No 74/2022 of the Rector of PUEB (PL).

Main rules for footnotes and bibliography (APA style).


All scientific books written in the Polish language should be provided with the following metadata:

For books in the English language, key words and summary in the English language are required.


The series ‘The Didactic Materials’ is published without professional DTP. The publisher provides proofreading and technical guidance to the author/editor.


Files to download

Monograph | guidelines | template

Collective monograph | guidelines | template

Textbook | guidelines | template

Didactic Materials | guidelines | A4 template | B5 template