Poznań University
of Economics and Business Press
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Wersja polska
ISBN: 978-83-7417-196-0
Edition: I
Publication date: 2006
First publication date: 2006
Pages: 182
Print: paperback
Electronic version:
Format: B5
License : commercial
Our categories

monograph, economics,
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Edited by
Marek Ratajczak, Jacek Wallusch

Money & transition

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For citation
Ratajczak, M. and Wallusch, J. (Eds.). (2006). Money & transition. Poznań University of Economics and Business Press.

The presented book is prepared by an international team, mostly connected to the Poznań University of Economics, but the contributors represent also Universities in Maribor, Utrecht, Warsaw, and Poznań. As mentioned above, this collection of papers is a good example of the creative use of mainstream economics the Authors re-interpret and adapt the contemporaneous economics to explain the Central European reality. An additional purpose was to interpret the problem Money and Transition via fiscal phenomena. Thus, a part of this book is devoted to central budget, policy mix, and coordination of the monetary and fiscal policy.


Izabela Bludnik, Polish Economics and the Keynesian Heritage

Ryszard Kokoszczyński, How to Date the Beginnings of Monetary Policy in a Transition Economy: The Case of Poland in the 1990s.

Wiesława Przybylska-Kapuścińska, Magdalena Musielak-Linkowska, Effectiveness of the Strategy of Direct Inflation Target in Poland In the Light of Inflation Expectations.

Małgorzata Doman, Ryszard Doman, Regime Switching in the Dynamics of Polish Short-Term Interest Rates

Paweł Marszałek, Fiscal Obstacles to Price Stability in Poland: Qualitative and Quantitative Factors

Paweł Marszałek, Jacek Wallusch, Unpleasant Results of Unpleasant Arithmetic. Government and Inflation in Poland

Michał Skopowski, The Central Bank Independence and the Coherence between Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Poland

Gerhard Kling, Credibility of Monetary Regimes in Czech and Slovak Republic. Jani Bekő, Mejra Festić

Setting Disinflation Policy in Slovenia and ERM II

Jacek Wallusch, Dominika Zenka, Aggregated Shock and Disaggregated Response. Money, Prices, and Output at the Sectoral Level

policy mix, and coordination of the monetary and fiscal policy.